When you don’t see progress

Did you ever felt that in your process of achieving your goals, you are not moving forward, no matter how much ever you work for it? The feeling that we get of being stagnant, not seeing any progress even when you do all the right things, follow the correct procedure, but still, you don’t see substantial improvement in your goals. This feeling is demoralizing. And yeah it happens to best of us and more often than not.

What are we supposed to do then?

The answer I say is to keep trying. Yeah, I know it is a boring answer which you already know! But probably what you don’t know is the law of latent potency, and why you should care about it.

Let me share an example, imagine a rock breaker, his purpose, as you guessed, is to break rocks. He hits the rock with a hammer to split it apart. His first hit, the rock does not break, second, it does not break, and so on for 100 hits. On the 101nt blow, the rock splits in two. Now does it mean only 101nt hit counts and the earlier 100 hits does not count? Of course not! in the previous 100 hits, the result is not seen, but, internally, each blow is creating micro-cracks which are not visible to naked eye. This energy build-up is called latent potency.

Similarly, the results of your efforts, which you are soo desperate to see, is building up your latent potency. So don’t be discouraged when you won’t see results, have faith in the law of latent potency and continue your hard work. And keep on trying.