Three Rules To become Unstoppable

Every man on the planet has a dream, a dream to satisfy his desires; a desire for his wishes to come true. But, there is a force which tries to stop him, it confronts every one of us. This exact force is the reason there are more men in graves without realising what they could have been if they had not surrendered to this force.

Some name this force as friction; some call it the resistance but its most popular name is procrastination. This force is ever-present inside us, waiting for the right opportunity to capture us, make us its slave. It is a never-ending battle everyone has to fight. Before we fight, We have to equip ourselves with better weapons to attack with vigour, wear strong armour to protect ourselves when our guard is down. And most importantly have a strategy to win the war against procrastination.

I bring to you three rules which will do precisely that:-

  1. 2 Minute Rule-
    • Action – You will immediately act on any task which takes under 2 minutes to complete.
    • Purpose – This avoids piling up the tasks; this does not allow the resistance to cast a spell on you.
  1. 5 Minute Rule-
    • Action – If you feel like procrastinating, say to yourself, “I will work on it for only 5 minutes, and I will give myself permission to stop doing it if I still feel like procrastinating.”
    • Purpose – Your action reduces the power of procrastination. It is always the beginning of the task, where you have the most friction. Once the ball starts rolling, it overcomes the friction with the momentum it gains. Make momentum your allay.
  1. 5 Hour Rule-
    • Action – You will cater at least 5 hours in a week to learn a new skill which will help you to grow your career, thus bringing you closer to your goal.
    • Purpose – A warrior is only as good as the skill he has. Therefore develop your skills to win your battles.

Read and reread the above Rules. Make them a part of you. Soon you will grow stronger, and your inner battles will not scare you anymore. Instead, you will look up to these battles because once a great philosopher said, “What doesn’t kill you, will only make you stronger.”

Peace. 🙂